Frequently Ask Questions
Our salon offers complimentary* 30-minute cosmetic tattoo consultations for those interested in eyebrow cosmetic tattoo . Normally this is the first step and part of your initial treatment, but can be done separately if you prefer. Consultation fee is $50, this fee is fully redeemable against the price of your tattoo if you decide to proceed. During these consultations, we will discuss with you what looks and methods of tattoo may be suitable for you, discuss shape, and colour, and answer questions you may have about the treatment. We will also design and draw a brow shape for you, so you have a better idea of what cosmetically tattooed eyebrows would look like on you, and make suggestions regarding colour, hair pattern and shape, and how any asymmetry may be corrected.
Who benefits from cosmetic tattoo?
People who don’t want to spend their time applying makeup
People who need to look good every day for work and are expected to maintain a certain level of grooming
People who enjoy sports, swimming and the beach
Those suffering alopecia and hair loss from medical treatment
Those who suffer bad eyesight who have trouble applying makeup
Those who just don’t like the ‘made-up’ look and want to look great in no time
Those who are always in a rush and feel that applying makeup is a luxury they just don’t have time for!
What should I do before my eyebrow procedure?
Brow Shaping before your appointment
Although it is generally easier to work with brows if there is more hair, If you particularly like the shape/thickness that your regular brow waxer or on your own creates, you can get your eyebrows shaped up to 2 days before your appointment. .
Pre-Procedure pointers -
· Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the brow area 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
· Botox/Dysport or fillers should be done at least 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after your appointment.
· Do not consume any alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners. If you are unsure, please check with your doctor but these generally include medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen & Niacin 48 hours before your procedure, this may cause excess bleeding and may affect your results.
· If you love the way you draw your brows on, or the colour you use, come in with them drawn on.
· Make sure you do not get sunburned or get a tan, we are not able to tattoo over sunburned or freshly tanned skin as your pigment will not hold. Please make sure you move your appointment before 48 hours or you will forfeit your deposit :(
PLEASE NOTE: If using prescription Accutane, you MUST wait a minimum of six months before considering undertaking a cosmetic tattoo procedure. The procedure cannot be performed whilst on Accutane.
What the following may apply me?
You requested a micro-pigmentation treatment that involves minor breakage of the skin surface with needle, and this process may complicate some medical conditions. Please read the following information carefully, and if any of these conditions applies to you, YOU MUST DECLARE them to the practitioner on the premises and discuss these matter with him/her.
EKZEMA this may make a persone more prone to skin infections/irritation
Psoriasis or other chronic skin conditions, excluding acne and disorders of pigmentation – same complications as ekzema
HEART DISORDERS some heart defects render individuals more prone to serious heart complications from any blood infections
HIGH/LOW BLOOD PRESSURE can cause light headedness and may be linked to other heart circulation disorders
HAEMOPHILIA and other bleeding disorders – as may result in poor clotting / healing
Gestation the immune response may be affected by pregnancy, any infection may affect the unborn child
Breastfeeding treatment must not interfere with the feeding process; also, any risk of infection for them is also a potential risk for their baby
Other medical conditions
EPILEPSY medication may cause side effects and poor control of the condition may result in fitting during treatmnet
Diabetes long term sufferers may have circulation problems that can reduce healing properties of the skin; this can result in severe infection
Autoimmune disase or other conditions or treatments causing immuno-deficiency (e.g. cancer treatments)- more prone to serious infection; HIV and HEPATITIS are risk for practitioner
Medication side effect may affect healing and recovery from treatment
Allergic responses
ALLERGIES allergie on the ingredients of topical anaesthetic e.g. lidocain can result in death!!! If you have astma or allergie to anything please discuss this with the practitioner
How long does the procedure take?
Normally between 1-2 hours, depending on the treatment you are having. Often, for eyebrows, the longest part of the appointment can be the consultation and actually drawing on the brow shape – I will always spend time getting them as symmetrical and as close to perfect as possible, with your approval before any cosmetic tattooing begins. The actual tattooing rarely takes longer than 45-60 minutes. When you make your appointment, we will discuss the time needed and make sure there is plenty of time for you to ask questions and for us to discuss the look you are after.
How Long Does Cosmetic Tattooing Really Last?
There is no definitive answer to this one – it is dependent on many factors, such as: • the pigment used – darker pigments i.e. black and very dark brown last a lot longer than lighter shades. • The density of pigment – i.e. a treatment that has been reinforced with a second adjustment appointment will usually be longer lasting • Environmental factors such as exposure to UV light. Tanning and not using sun protection will fade cosmetic tattoos faster • Your health and overall individual physiology – some people retain pigment extremely well Generally, the treatment is considered permanent; in many cases (especially eyeliner and very dark brows) you will always have some pigment in the skin. A touch-up treatment is recommended every 18-24 months for most cosmetic tattoo treatments.
What does it look like on Skin?
It looks if you applied a pencil a little softer and more muted. The colour immediately after the treatment will be stronger and darker than you desires colour. You will lose appx. 20% -40% normal dry skin, about 50% middle oil skin and more than 60% if your skin is too oil during the healing process within 4- 21 days. Oil skin type client please consider the treatment the most difficult because oil skin reacted very poor on cosmetic tattoo. However, full lip colour which can lose up to 80% during healing must have 1st touch up or sometimes 2nd touch up.
Does it Hurt?
It varies between person to person, most people experience a little discomfort during the first 5-10 minutes of the treatment. During the treatment also extra numb applied. Some clients naturally feel more pain at times of menstruation. If you are extremely sensitive to pain you can also speak to your Doctor/ Pharmacist beforehand and ask them to advise you for pain relief.
Who Needs Cosmetic Tattoo Treatments?
> Eyebrows…
People, who have over-plucked the hairs from their eyebrows, have gaps or scars and the hair has not grown back, people suffering with Alopecia, people who have visual problems, or people just wanting a definite shape to their eyebrows.
Colour is implanted to your desired shape framing the eyes with a beautiful defined brow. Everybody is meant to have eyebrows as eyebrows frame the eyes.
Colour can be implanted in a solid look similar to filling in the brow with a pencil or individual hair strokes for a more natural result. This is sometimes called 3 dimensional tattooing; this term is more a marketing strategy than a different technique to hair strokes.
> Lip Liner
People who have no definite lip shape, pale lips, sun damaged lips, uneven lips or lips that have lost their shape as a result of cold sores or injury; people who like a definite lip shape to emphasise or enlarge the mouth.
It is ideal for those with crease lines or who have had lip augmentation.
Colour is implanted in a fine line on the outer edge of the lips, giving a lovely defined shape to the mouth. Lips are a sensuous feature of your face.
> Lip Blending
Lip blending is blending the colour from the lip liner onto the lips. This can be in the same colour to look natural and not obvious, also to fill in white areas where the lip line has been extended away from the natural lip line or to balance a crooked lip shape.
> Eyes
People with very pale eyes, oily skin causing makeup to smear, small eyes needing definition and shape, contact lens wearers, allergic eyes, people with poor eyesight, or people who like to wear eyeliner to enhance their eyes, who care about their appearance and want better public image twenty-four hours a day, no matter what they are doing. Top and bottom eyeliner can be fine or wide lines, tapered or dotted in between lashes, giving the eyes beautiful definition and makes eyelashes look thicker.
How many treatments are needed?
As each person’s healing rate is different, a minimum of two sessions is needed which occur at least four weeks apart. As mentioned, a second session will determine how each skin type retains the colour of the tattoo pigment as well as the skins healing rate. During the first week of healing, colour will appear dramatically lighter. Any desired adjustments can be made in this session to create a darker or bolder tattoo.
PLEASE NOTE: If you require a previous tattoo re-worked, a photo MUST be emailed to us PRIOR to booking an appointment as results on such cases cannot be guaranteed. We must assess whether previous work can be covered up or re-worked and will almost always require touch ups or removal. Removal will be necessary if previous work is too dark, dense, discoloured or large.
What factors will affect my cosmetic tattoo?
A multitude of individual and lifestyle factors will affect the longevity of your cosmetic tattoo including the following:
• The time it takes for your body’s skin cells to regenerate will affect how the skin grasps the pigment. The longer this process takes, the longer the pigment will hold.
• The time it takes for the skin to absorb the pigment will also affect how the skin grasps the pigment. The slower the process, the longer the pigment will hold.
• Lighter pigment colours such as blonde will fade faster than a dark brown pigment.
• Bleeding during the procedure reduces the amount of pigment absorbed. It should be noted that substances which cause blood thinning such as alcohol and certain medications should not be consumed prior to or following an appointment.
• Thyroid medication.
• The constant exposure of the facial area promotes a faster fade in comparison to covered parts of the body.
• Sun exposure will decrease the appearance of the pigment. Once healed, sun screen is to be applied to the area to reduce the risk of fading.
• Smoking causes faster fade.
How will I look immediately after? What is the healing process?
In the first few days following the procedure, pigment will appear dark and intense and redness and swelling is rare, but might also happen. During the healing process, the pigment will gradually appear lighter in the first week.
How will my cosmetic tattoo look in the future?
To achieve natural looking eyebrows, a thorough skin analysis will be undertaken. This will predict how the skin will hold the pigment, and will analyse the skin’s undertone to ensure a perfect colour match to your existing eyebrow and hair colour. Four weeks after your initial procedure, the second session will determine how the skin has responded to the pigment and any alterations can be made if necessary. As mentioned, individual and lifestyle factors will affect how the tattoo will fade but the majority of our client’s tattoos stay true to colour and fade naturally over time. It is recommended that clients return every one – two years for a top-up appointment as fading will generally create a lighter and softer look to your eyebrow tattoo.
What should I know about long term care?
Long-term care for your cosmetic tattoo is imperative in sustaining bold pigment. Factors such as individual skin type, pigment colour and lifestyle choices will affect your tattoo in the long term. It should be acknowledged that increased exposure to sun will contribute to a faster pigment fade so sunscreen application after healing is highly recommended. Chemical peels, laser treatments or other medical procedures to the facial area should be cautious of the tattoo area. You must advise your technician as care must be taken around these areas.
Will cosmetic tattooing work well for me?
There are some cases where cosmetic tattooing will not work depending on skin type, existing hair and/or lifestyle choices. Iron deficient or anaemic clients should be advised that increased bleeding may occur during the procedure as well as a faster fade of the pigment over time. This is also the case for frequent smokers. Clients with oily skin types should acknowledge that cosmetic eyebrow tattooing will not work well as the constant oil production will gradually soften the look. For clients with little to no existing eyebrow hair, the results will appear much less natural and will give a less 3D look to the eyebrows.
Are the salon and equipment safe?
Our salon to a high level of hygiene standards with the use of disposal needles and supplies. A sterile and safe environment is provided at all times for all clients where procedure rooms are disinfected and cleaned prior to and following each client visit
· Your brows may not heal perfectly after the first session. This is a 2 step, sometimes multiple step, process.
· The pigment can fade, come back and appear patchy/gone usually in weeks 2-4 of your healing process. This is normal. If anything doesn't stay, this is exactly why we have the adjustment appointment.
· Immediately after your procedure brows will appear darker and more defined and this can last from a few days to over a week.
· Days 2-4 your brows will be much darker and can appear more 'blocky' with thicker strokes, they do not stay this dark or thick :)
· Around days 4-5 you will experience flaking and your brows may look dry. Do not pick the flakiness off, let them come off when they are ready. You can actually remove strokes completely if you pick off healing bits of skin. At this stage, dab your brows when cleaning instead of using a wiping motion, so as not to disturb the flaking skin.
· Your brow tattoo will take up to 5-8 weeks to fully heal. When the flaking comes off the hair strokes may seem faint this is because a fresh layer of skin has healed over the brow tattoo. Give your brows a few weeks and the hair strokes will become clearer.
· You may experience itchiness in the brows after the 10 days for up to 2 months due to the healing process of the dermal layer, you can use a thin layer of coconut oil or vitamin e cream to help with this.
· Not everyone hairstroke brows can heal clean and crisp. Hairstrokes for oilier skin types tend to heal more solid and powdery while drier skin types tend to heal more crisp and defined. Also for those who bleed more may tend to need more touch ups as the blood pushes the pigment out and results in less retention.
Is There Any Other Important Things That I Should Know?
Colour matching can be difficult at times, but we do endeavour to get the match as close to your colour request as possible.
Many things can alter the end result of the pigment colour in the skin; pigmentation, acids and oils in your own skin; neglecting to follow the Home Care Instructions; extended sun exposure, using Retin-A or Retinol, AHA products, Glycolic Acid and any products containing enzymes including Pawpaw ointment and Q10 can fade out or change the colour from all treatments.
Sun block is necessary at all times. The treatments can be permanent or semi-permanent. Aftercare determines the success of lasting results. In some cases it has been obvious in some skins for over 12 years, which means some skins hold the colour more permanently, especially in the eye area. These treatments have only been performed and promoted in the Western world for around 15 years, and the length or minimum time the colours are lasting in the skin is still under consideration.
It is recommended a touch up of colour should be done about every 2 to 3 years to keep the treatment as new.
If you have a history of cold sores, fever blisters or any type of sore on the lips you will have a recurrence after lip treatments. The virus always lies dormant in the skin and any trauma or stress will activate it. We recommend a course of anti cold sore treatment (such as Zovirax or Lysine) at least one week prior to any lip procedure. Avoid nuts, cocoa powder, chocolate, peanut butter, brown rice, oats and other grains as these encourage herpes.
It is important to inform us if you are on medication, suffer with keloid scarring or have any medical problems. For instance if you take blood thinners such as Warfarin, Cartia, Disprin and even fish oil please discontinue use 5-7 days before the procedure.
If having a lip treatment, start conditioning lips 2 weeks prior to your procedure to prevent dryness.
The healing time is minimal for all treatments, hardly noticeable and a small percentage of people do have some swelling, but work and all other activities can continue immediately.
Treatments are completed in one visit but we do like you to come back in four to six weeks for a final check up called a perfection visit and any adjustments made are charge but must be within two months.
The procedure should involve very minimal pin-point bleeding. Therefore, during your procedure you want to avoid any excessive bleeding, which can drastically effect your ability to numb and the overall results.
Therefore DO not drink alcohol or caffeine the day you are to have your procedure.
Do not take any blood thinning medications (unless prescribed by a doctor for medial reasons) one week before your appointment (aka: Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Ibuprofen, etc)
No tanning/excessive sun exposure 2 weeks before procedure (and 2 weeks after).
No Lip Filler/treatments 3 weeks before procedure (or 4 weeks after)
Plan your procedure with your schedule/vacations/events!
DO NOT schedule when you have an incoming event that conflicts with healing. You will need 5-7 days heal. Expect an additional "perfecting" touch-up 6 weeks after the first appointment (the perfecting session is free)
Please eat before the procedure, since you want normal blood sugar levels for any tattooing procedure. You will not feel like eating after (And you have to wait 3 hours for any food
You will want to start a lip scrub once a day for 3 days before your procedure so that your lips are prepped and don't have a rough texture, which will prevent proper pigment saturation and a poor healed result. Use the morning of your appointment. Do not over scrub to the point that you have raw or compromised skin.
You may buy a lip scrub from any local drug store or make a sugar lip scrub at home (google sugar lip scrub) in order to exfoliate off dead layers of skin.
Use moisturizer often on you lips in the days prior to the procedure to maintain smooth texture.
!!!!No medication no treatment!!!
You may like to take an antihistamine tablet before your procedure. This can help reduce the swelling. Consult with your pharmacist or doctor first. Aciclovir 500mg to 800mg 3 days prior and 3 days post procedure is an even better option, but you will need a script from your GP.
** IMPORTANT ** If you have a history of cold sores, fever blisters or any type of sore on the lips you will have a recurrence after lip treatments. The virus always lies dormant in the skin and any trauma or stress will activate it. We recommend a course of anti cold sore treatment (such as Zovirax, Valtrex or Famvir) at least one week prior to any lip procedure. Avoid nuts, cocoa powder, chocolate, peanut butter, brown rice, oats and other grains as these encourage herpes. It is important to inform us if you are on medication, suffer with keloid scarring or have any medical problems. Extended sun exposure, using Retin-A and Glycolic Acid will fade out colour from all treatments. Sun block is necessary at all times. If having a lip treatment, start conditioning lips with a moisturising cream to prevent dryness.
The healing time is minimal for all treatments, hardly noticeable and a small percentage of people do have some swelling, but work and all other activities can continue immediately.